Sunday, 28 August 2011

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

I didn't know anything about The Adjustment Bureau before watching it, i hadn't even seen the trailer, so i had no idea what it was about, just that Matt Damon was in it. so it's basically about David Norris (Matt Damon) who is a politician of some sort, who meets this girl, Elise (Emily Blunt), who gives him the inspiration to make this wonderful speech but then runs off into the distance, supposedly never to be seen again. however, he bumps into her a year later only to learn that it is not in his 'plan' for them to be together, and that he must fight this over-powering force for any chance of seeing her again.
Personally, i really liked this film. Matt Damon and Emily Blunt made a surprisingly adorable couple, and somehow they managed to make it a little bit sweet and romantic, while still having the terror of the bureau and the uncertainty of what will happen next, as it is reasonably unpredictable. personally i found the ending slightly unsatisfactory, but still reasonably acceptable, just slightly unrealistic. although i suppose the whole film itself is slightly unrealistic, being sort of sci-fi-ish. there were quite a few chase scenes towards the end, which did become sort of repetitive, but the idea itself was pretty original. and i

especially liked Harry, (Anthony Mackie) whose character was lovely.
So, if you don't mind being patient with the chase scenes and the slightly repetitive storyline then you'll probably enjoy this film quite a lot. and to be honest, i don't think they've done too badly making a short story into a full length film.

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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