Thursday, 18 August 2011

I Am Legend (2007)

I Am Legend is not your ordinary zombie slasher film; it's much more than that. it sounds silly, as the majority of this film is just a man and his dog living in an empty city, but when there's the odd flashback focusing around his family, or certain parts with his dog, Sam, the emotion really pulls on you. so it's basically about how Robert Neville (Will Smith) is left in New York City as the only person who was immune to this virus that basically caused everyone to turn into these zombie like creatures that die in the sunlight and eat anything that's still living. Robert also happens to be a man in the military who's trying to find the cure by using the own immunities in his blood. and throughout the film you gradually find out what happened to his family and how he came to be in this situation.
As basically the only character in this whole film, Will Smith had his work cut out - there's a lot of focus on him, but i think he actually did really well to make his character seem so in control and yet so terrified and emotional. you felt a real connection to him and Sam, and although most zombie films are just fear and not a lot of focus on a storyline, there was a lot of character information and personality shining through, so when bad things happened you really felt it. and despite there being such an excellent story, there were also parts when i was completely terrified.
There have been a few Will Smith films that aren't entirely excellent, but this particular one always gets me. every time it's on telly i make a point to record it, and then watch it the next day when it's still light outside. it's amazingly emotional and completely terrifying; probably the best 'zombie' type movie there is at the moment.
of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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