Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Crow (1994)

Slightly Gothic?
so all i'd heard about this film was what my friend Ryan had said to me a while ago which was basically 'it's awesome, it's awesome..' and to be honest i wasn't really expecting very much, mainly because it was made seventeen years ago, and i'm always slightly dubious about films made in the nineties. but it actually really surprised me how good it was. i watched it when i was incredibly tired, and i just assumed i would fall asleep half way through, but i was hooked right from the beginning, and almost forgot how tired i was. the hour and forty minutes just flew past so quickly, it's the first film i've watched in a while that i haven't been checking the time bar half way through.
So basically this couple get killed by some gang the day before they're married, and the idea is that after you die, if something terrible has happened you can temporarily come back to life and become completely
immortal and right the wrongs of your death, or something along those lines. i love this. i've always loved the idea of being able to come back for some sort of explanation after you've died. i suppose it has a pretty gothic feel, so if you don't think you can get past that/embrace it then it's probably not a film you'd enjoy. it's the kind of thing i would have loved when i was fourteen and listening to music like HIM. i mean, i still enjoyed it now, but it's the kind of film i would have had posters of, i'm not sure if that says more about me or the movie, but that's how it would have gone. there were parts of it that reminded me of Queen Of The Damned, not because of anything in the story, just a similar kind of feel to it; like they could have been brothers.. maybe half brothers. although, i liked this a lot more than Queen Of The Damned.
There was also of course all the interest about Branden Lee (Eric Draven) dying on set while shooting a scene where he dies in the film. they then had eight more days of shooting after his death where they had no main character actor, and i did know this, but i just completely forgot and didn't even notice him looking any different. there were also several other accidents that happened on set, and as a result The Crow has become pretty infamous for suspicious people saying it's a dangerous film to be a part of.
 Branden Lee - Eric Draven          Heath Ledger - The Joker
Branden Lee as Eric Draven actually reminded me a lot of Health Ledger playing The Joker in The Dark Knight, and it's a real shame that he's not still alive to be in the remake because i honestly think he'd be perfect. the sick sense of humor portrayed in TDK would have be a brilliant take on The Crow. However, it's been rumored that Bradley Cooper will be playing Eric Draven. to be honest, i'm not sure if this is a particularly good idea. Bradley Cooper was good in The Hangover and He's Just Not That Into You, but i just don't think he's an Eric Draven. the original film was so gothic and different to anything he's been in, i'm worried that it'll become a disgusting remake like The Nightmare On Elm Street, which is a story that has such potential to be good, but is just ruined by modern day commercialism.

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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