Thursday 26 May 2011

Unbreakable (2000)

terrible terrible terrible film. i don't know what more i can say. i watched this with a friend and we talked through most of it. the only thing that kept me going was making constant jokes about Bruce Willis's 'super-powers' being a result of him actually being dead. [if you don't understand that awful joke you should probably watch Sixth Sense]
So basically there are two ends to this spectrum - one is the super strong unbreakable people [Bruce Willis] and the other is the broken ones that just trip and break their backs kind of people [Samuel L Jackson] and then his kid tried to shoot him, and Bruce Willis saved someones life and Samuel L Jackson was all like 'i know it's okay for me to be like this because i've met you' blah blah.. you can tell how much i was paying attention.
To be honest, it just seemed like such a completely useless film, i would love to see someone who's written a good review on it so i can figure out what the good points in this film was, because i honestly can't think of any..

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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