Friday 3 June 2011

The Hangover Part II (2011)

so to be honest, i think the first one was better, but only because it was so unexpected - i just didn't think it would be so good. The Hangover Part II follows basically the exact same structure as the first one - guys wake up and realise that someone's missing and they can't find them, series of hilarious events occur. except this time they're in Bangkok, and it's Stu's future brother-in-law that goes missing.
There were all the same characters, except this time there's even less of Justin Bartha which was gutting because he's definitely my favourite actor. although Bradley Cooper kind of makes up for it. i've always thought he was slightly hilarious, and his character is brilliant. to be honest, all the other characters were kind of annoying - but i knew that already from the first film and i understand the necessity for them to be there; it would be boring if they all had the same sort of personality.
Personally, i found myself getting a little bit bored in a few parts, which didn't happen with the first film, although there was a particularly brilliant bit with a stripper and an awkward sex conversation. but overall, it was pretty good - the pictures at the end were especially entertaining. i reckon i'll probably end up watching this a few times more, once it's out on dvd, but it wont be one of those films i want to go see many times in the cinema, and run out to buy as soon as the dvd comes out. i still prefer the first one, but this one was a lot better than i thought it would be - most sequels suck in comparison to their predecessor.  
I suppose there probably wont be a third one, now that they're all married, apart from Alan of course, but somehow i can't imagine him finding a wife too quickly. but i can hope they can find another way for them to all get horrifically drunk and wake up the next day not remembering anything. it shouldn't be too hard...

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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