Friday 3 June 2011

When In Rome (2010)

so i'd seen this film once before, and to be honest even though the trailer looked pretty terrible, i figured i'd try it - mostly because of Josh Duhamel's beautiful face, but also because i loved Kristen Bell ever since i first saw Veronica Mars. i mean, it's not like she's ever in the greatest movies, but i always enjoy them, once i accept that it's not going to be the best thing i've ever seen. and this one, although kind of ridiculous, and not something i would describe as 'hilariously funny' but it was quite sweet. and it's pretty easy to guess all the twists, so it's easy to watch if you just feel like relaxing and not working your brain too hard on complicated plot lines.
All the scenery and things when they were in Rome was so beautiful, and this film is the reason i want to visit Rome - not because i want to steal some coins and make strangers fall in love with me, but just because it looked so beautiful. all her 'stalkers' were kind of annoying, accept for 'Antonio Donatella' who i actually thought was really sweet. but the magician and the model were particularly annoying. i don't think it ruined the film too much, and i suppose that's kind of the point, but it just wasn't funny. there were a few bits though, that did make me laugh out loud. i think particularly when they were in the blackout restaurant, and the waitress was listening in to what they were saying. and of course every time Nick walked into something - but slapstick humour is something i almost always laugh at. 
It is a chick-flick without a doubt, but i still enjoyed it; not sure it's one of the ones i'll watch over and over, but it's nice to have it on my computer for when i'm tired and just want a happy feel-good girl film that i can hide in bed and eat ice cream with.

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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