Monday 30 May 2011

Beastly (2011)

this film was kind of 'meh' to be honest. i'm not really sure what i was expecting; when i watched the trailer i thought it looked quite good. and i understood the link to Beauty and the Beast, which was one of my favourite childhood films, but to be honest it just wasn't the same without little chip the talking tea cup.
Alex Pettyfer has always been pretty attractive to be honest, and i just thought it was kind of ridiculous how the whole film was supposed to be about how some attractive, arrogant idiot learns the errors of his ways by becoming 'hideously ugly' - i don't actually think he looked that bad - and then making someone fall in love with him anyway, when he ended up falling for someone who was insanely beautiful. he'd already decided he liked her, before he found out about the issues with her dad and things, so he really didn't fall for her because of her personality, although i suppose he stuck around despite of it, which shows growth, but i still think i'd keep him ugly forever to be honest.  
and Mary-Kate Olsen was just kind of annoying to be honest. i've never thought of her as a particularly wonderful actor, and i think she was supposed to be pretty 'ugly' herself, which she didn't look at all. in fact, i didn't notice any ugly people any where. although she did look like she'd been taking fashion advice from Lady Gaga, which in my opinion isn't really a good thing. 
Vanessa Hudgens was pretty good though, if you try to forget that she was ever in High School Musical - i'm not going to go into how much i hate that film right now. i loved the idea of her character, although to be honest she seemed seriously down to earth for someone who's had to look after their druggie dad, i'm not sure that i'd be able to be like that. i suppose that's why people would like her.
 i'm not sure about Neil Patrick Harris as a blind guy though, although i have always liked him, and i did like his character in this - i just don't think he was very good at pretending to be blind. so to conclude, i think i probably wouldn't watch it again, but i don't regret watching it. it wasn't 'too bad' but i'm not going to rush out and buy the dvd when it's released...

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

1 comment:

  1. u 4got to comment on the sound tracks, . apart from that one surreal scene about the poetry ,else is pretty emo i agreed .
