Wednesday 1 June 2011

The Boondock Saints (1999)

i'd never seen this film before, never heard anything about it - and to be honest, from the beginning i thought it might end up to be a little bit terrible. but it was actually pretty good. i found myself checking the time a little through the middle, but it ended up being almost over which surprised me because it went a lot quicker than i thought it had. i've always loved gun fights and mafia wars and things similar, and although i was slightly confused some of the way through - i think mainly because i wasn't really paying much attention - i got it once i concentrated, and in parts it was actually kind of funny.
Personally, i think the Irish brothers pretty much made the film. i know it's supposed to be that way, because they were the main characters, but i mean more that they were what made it so interesting. the Irish accent will do wonders for any man, but these two seemed especially charming and hilarious, and although i'm not a fan of religion, i thought their dedication to saying that prayer every time they killed someone was kind of beautiful. i wish all mafia assassins were just like them. although, i was slightly gutted when i found out that neither Norman Reedus or Sean Patrick Flanery were actually Irish. but i suppose they were good looking enough to make up for it.
To be honest, i thought their friend was kind of annoying, and not very funny, but not enough for me to not love this film. i also didn't really understand Willem Dafoe's character; a gay cop with mega homophobia; and, i understand the joke, i just don't really think it was particularly funny or necessary. i can see my dad really enjoying this film, and i have a feeling that this is more of a 'guys' film, what with all the guns and there was quite a bit of violence, but of course that doesn't mean i didn't enjoy it.
Although, i don't think i'll be watching the sequel just yet, in case it's terrible and ruins the first film for me. maybe eventually... there's been some rumours about there being a third film - Boondock Saints III: Saints Preserve Us, and i suppose i can't comment on if that would be a good idea or not until i've seen the second one, but i'm not sure how likely it'll be that they'll make another one to be honest. and if they do, it took them so long to make the second film, it'll probably be another ten years until they make Boondock Saints III.

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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