Thursday 26 May 2011

Cabin Fever (2002)

On a serious note, i think it's actually pretty probable that something like this could happen, and it would probably end up being dealt with in the same way too. with lots of people dying.

well i've seen this film so many times i can almost say certain parts of it along with the actors. which is lame, i know, i just went through a stage of completely loving it. but i watched it again recently with my friend, and it kind of made me realise how terrible it is. don't get me wrong, there are a lot of parts where i really laughed, and the genius of how terrible it was has probably worn off slightly, since i've watched it so many times.
It's just slightly more unique to other spoofy films, like Scary Movie, which is just so terrible because they're attempting to be funny. Cabin Fever doesn't really try, it's just funny because of how terrible it is. every sex scene is paired with images of death, and the hilarity of it is that none of them even die because of the disease; they all get shot or eaten alive or smashed with a spade.
I think my favourite character was probably either Bert, [James DeBello] because something about him was just slightly hilarious - the way he replies to 'that's not funny' with 'yes it is, you fucking slut'. it's just cheap humour, which i'm a small fan of, in the right circumstances. i also loved Deputy Winston [Giuseppe Andrews] because he was just kind of creepy sometimes, but in a funny harmless way. and Dennis, the little kid who screams for pancakes and bites people wasn't particularly funny, but i suppose a necessary part of the film, just because he was a bit of a freak.
The second film was a mistake. this one was barely viable, if i'm honest, but it was still funny. there's a thin line between terrible and genius, and the second one was just terrible.
This bath scene just made the whole film for me, not because i'm a massive perv, but just because it made me cringe - it was so completely disgusting but so completely what the film needed.
I have showed it to a few of my friends, and neither of them really saw the genius of it, so maybe i'm over-rating it a bit than it should be, but for me i still remember the first time i watched it - i almost died laughing. now i'm older perhaps it's not really my sort of film any more, but i know i used to love it and that will always mean something. the constant nakedness and bloody gore helps a bit too...

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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