Wednesday 1 June 2011

Sweet Home Alabama (2002)

i've seen this film many many times, and i've always had a soft spot for it. i'm not really a particularly girly girl, so chick flicks aren't really my thing, and i'm pretty sure this counts as a chick flick - happy ending and everything. i'm not sure if it's because ever since Left 4 Dead 2 i've had a thing for guys with a southern accent, or if i just love the idea of such a simple lifestyle, but either way i've wanted to live in Alabama since i saw this film. 
Reese Witherspoon has always been a pretty good actor, and she keeps up a pretty good accent the whole way through. and although romance isn't really my thing, you still find yourself routing for her to go back to Jake, and her old southern ways. it's such a sweet idea; to fall in love when you're like ten years old, and end up spending the rest of your life with them. i mean, it's not very adventurous, and not really my thing, but i still think it's ridiculously romantic, and was part of the reason why, although Patrick Dempsey plays a perfectly acceptable 'boyfriend' character, you still wanted her to go back to Jack. 
Of course another important reason as to why this films so brilliant is Josh Lucas and his attractive face. hollywood should never underestimate the power of an attractive man with a southern accent. although he's supposed to be like a hill billy, there's something so adorable about the way he fights to be with Melanie, even though she's engaged to another man. some would see it as desperate, but with him it just seems romantic. and the way that he's so stubborn about her finding out about his success, even though it's something that links them together from the moment they were struck by lightening.
I'm also completely in love with Ethan Embry's character, Bobby Ray because he was just so adorable - i'd love to have him as a little brother or something because he seemed so happy and forgiving all the time. to be honest, the whole reason why this film is so lovely to watch is because of how brilliant the characters are.
I love to stick this chick-flick on whenever i'm tired and in a romantic mood.. or of course when i just want to hear that lovely Southern accent. it always reminds me of a place that seems to be so simple - a nice escape from reality for 108 minutes.

of course, this is all just my opinion.. feel free to disagree...ܤ

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